IP CODE IP code classifies the degrees of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects (including body parts like hands and fingers), dust, accidental contact, and water in electrical enclosures. (Example IP43) First digit (4) describes the protection against dust and the second digit (3) describes the protection against water. If second digit is high, meaning good protection, then the first digit is considered irrelevant and is marked with an X (example IPX6). First digit:0 No protection.1 Protection against objects larger than 50 mm.2 Protection against objects larger than 12 mm.3 Protection against objects larger than 2,5 mm.4 Protection against objects larger than 1 mm.5 Dust protected6 Dust tight Second digit:0 No protection1 Dripping water2 Dripping water when tilted up to 15°3 Spraying water. Max angle 60°.4 Splashing water from all angles5 Water jets6 Powerful water jets7 Immersion up to 1 m8 Immersion beyond 1 m ATEX ATEX, short for Appareils destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosibles – Atex directive is a European standard treating equipment and work areas where there is risk for explosive mixtures (example: gas leaks). Products certified to be used in potentially explosive environments are classified differently depending on which type or protection that the product has, which environment it is intended for (example gas or dust), temperature class, and the expected explosiveness of the mixture etc. Areas where there is risk that the atmosphere will become explosive is divided into three zones where Zone 0 have the highest risk of explosive atmosphere to occur and Zone 2 is the lowest risk. Products intended to be used in these zones are classified into three categories depending on the amount of protection that the product has. Products in Category 1 is intended for use in Zone 0 etc. see below. (G = gas) Zones Product categoryZone 0 Category 1GZone 1 Category 1G eller 2GZone 2 Category 1G, 2G eller 3G IECEX IECEX corresponds to ATEX but is more globally implemented. CE EN 1150:1999 – Visibility clothing for non-professional use test methods and requirements. Is considered to be suitable for children, cyclist and pedestrian training activities, walking to the bus etc. Garments conforming to these standards are capable of signalling the users presence visually, under any light conditions, both by day and under illumination by vehicle headlights in the dark.